Wednesday, July 12, 2006

You're a Jazz Spaz

This is a promise that I make to you: If the movie which is coming out soon called, Little Man is any good I'll eat a sack full of baby foreskin.

Uncooked. Not even any Ketchup. Not even a small grain of salt, just raw pp skin.

I'll take the bag of at least 40 foreskins from various babies whom have had their wangs clipped and I'll gobble them as if a golden goose assuming Little Man is a good movie.

Speaking of circumcision, I read in the news about how the ones whom don't have the clippings (the Catholics and stank-ended-scabbers) are more likely to get the hiv. So, good job, Jews, you and I are like 10 times better at anal sex than the ones who have that fleshy impediment. I bet God told Moses about the hiv, I'll bet you at least fiddy.