Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Menses make good fences

Everyone, a terrible mistake was made in yesterday's post. When talking about the ice skating rink full of Jew blood I mistakenly said Jew blood when I meant Muslim blood. I'm terribly sorry, Jews--this was a bad one and I've made several mistakes before.

Furthermore, I said baby Jew when I meant Muslim menses. No, that's a lie. I did mean baby Muslim blood. You see, the Muslim blood is red hot on account of how they try to kill you for the smallest thing and when you freeze that hot, pure baby blood the result is a sheen and a glide that is beyond measure. Sasha Cohen totally endorses my blood rink. She can't wait to put on the whitest silk stockings and take a spin and do a sow cow.

I'll grant you the Muslim baby blood is not as sweet as the sweet Jew blood but it's not an ice cream contest, it's a skate park.

Someone suggested to me that you could also use Christian blood but I found that offensive and in bad taste. For shame. Are there no limits?